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Friday, February 4, 2011


Hye everyone..Welcome Back..Today, i'm very excited in writing this post..Its about my favorite super heroes of all time ..SUPERMAN!!

Since I was a kid, I always use to watch Superman either in Television and comic. Ok, lets gets going, Enjoy yeah :D

Jor-El: [at the Fortress of Solitude] So, my son. Speak. 

Young Clark Kent: Who am I? 

Jor-El: Your name is Kal-El. You are the only survivor of the planet Krypton. Even though you've been raised as a human, you are not one of them. You have great powers, only some of which you have as yet discovered.

Above is the dialog between Superman and his Father.Superman is the sole survivor of the planet Krypton. His father, Jor-El, discovered that a nuclear chain reaction was building inside Krypton that would soon shatter the entire world. Jor-El therefore had his unborn son Kal-El removed from the Kryptonian Gestation Chambers and affixed the life matrix containing Kal-El to an experimental vessel for travel through hyperspace. Jor-El launched the starcraft toward Earth just before Krypton exploded. 

Jor El, Superman Father

Land On Earth

Superman Baby arrived on earth.

Superman was, in effect, born on Earth when the starcraft landed there. Jonathan and Martha Kent found the infant inside the vessel and brought him to their farm in Smallville, Kansas. Since he appeared entirely human, the Kents assumed that the baby was a victim of a cruel experiment. At this time the baby had no super powers. The Kents named the infant Clark and raised him as their own son. 

Martha and Jonathan Kent

As clark grew older his Kryptonian body began developing superhuman abilities. When Clark was eighteen, took him to the field where his starcraft still lay hidden and explained how he and Martha had found him. Clark resolved to use his powers from then on only for the good of mankind. After revealing his secret to his childhood friend, Lana Lang, Clark left Smallville to study at Metropolis University. 

Lana Lang. At first, I thought Lana will marry Clark..

Lana Lang was a childhood friend and the high school sweetheart of Clark Kent; eventually she became a world-renowned fashion designer.

Lana Lang was one of the oldest friends Superman had. Unlike most of the people in his life (Lois, Jimmy, Lex, etc), Lana was with Clark from the beginning: She saw his transformation from country boy to superhero happen first hand. She was the first person Clark went to when his latent powers began to surface. She saw first hand his X-Ray vision, and witnessed his acute hearing. As Clark dashed (to use a relative term) to the scene of an accident, Lana saw not only his super speed, but his strength and invulnerability.
However, in Lana's eyes, something more existed than just friendship. An attractive girl, she was always able to garner the attention of any man she was interested in, except Clark Kent. He had always considered her a good friend, and though the two did date for a time, the relationship didn't last. While she vocally expressed her continued level of interest in Clark, the two never permanently clicked; regardless, they remained close throughout high school.

Lana went on to become a fashion designer, and achieved international fame. She was known as a jetsetter; keeping residences in several cities. Her celebrity status, combined with her indisputable physical beauty, caught the attention of Lex Luthor, who, in classic Luthor fashion, sought out and began a relationship with her immediately. Unlike many of his dealings, their relationship was genuine; Luthor actually expressed gratitude to Superman when he saved Lana from an attempted murder.

Lex Luthor

However, like any other relationship, things change. Lana learned of Luthor's less-than-admirable qualities, and began informing Superman of his behind the scenes activities despite his objections to the danger she was putting herself in. Unbeknownst to Lana, Mercy Graves had been observing her for some time, and informed Luthor of the relationship Lana and Superman appeared to share. Though he initially doubted Mercy's findings, his opinion changed as he saw Lana kiss Superman after revealing her feelings for him.

lark initially used his powers covertly to help people and prevent or thwart disasters. Ultimately, he was forced to use his powers in public to prev ent the crash of a NASA space-plane. Thereafter he and his foster parents devised a new costumed secret identity he would adopt when using his abilities in public. They called his new persona "Superman," the name given him by Lois Lane, a reporter for the Metropolis Daily Planet who had been aboard the space-plane. 


Shortly afterward, Clark obtained a job as a reporter for the Daily Planet by turning in his first detailed story about Superman. He currently enjoys a freelance status with the Planet. 

Some time ago Superman journeyed to an otherdimensional "pocket universe" that had its own Krypton and Earth. After defeating three Kryptonians native to that universe who had murdered the entire population of its Earth, Superman executed the trio, believing there was no other way to stop them.

Eh, By the way..Superman have his own personal room. The room name , the Fortress of Solitude.

Superman lives by the traditional moral values instilled in him by his foster parents. Superman is an idealist, devoted to promoting "truth, justice, and the American way," and has proved over and over that he is a true hero, capable of whatever bravery and self-sacrifice is necessary to right a wrong or save a life.


Since Superman is a native of Krypton, a planet that had a red sun, under a yellow sun (like that of Earth's his Kryptonian cells act as living solar batteries, absorbing solar energy and giving him superhuman powers. He possesses tremendous strength; while Superman's strength is not infinite, its full extent is so great that it has never been accurately measured. His body is virtually indesrtuctible.

Superman have the ability firing a high temperature of laser towards his enemy.

As another superheroes, Superman have the abilities to fly, and he's so strong until he can bend a steel by using the least of his power.

Superman's sharp senses enable him to hear souns too faint to be detected by the normal human ear. His "telescopic vision" enables him to focus his sight on distant objects far beyond the range of normal human sight. His "microscopic vision" allows him to observe an object in microscopic detail. Superman's so called "x-ray vision" enables him to see clearly through solid objects. Certain dense materials, notably lead, obstruct this ability. His power to generate heat within objects manifests itself as a red glow within his eyes, and is therefore known as "heat vision."

Superman can move, react, and think at superhuman speeds greater than that of sound. He can defy gravity and fly through force of will. Superman's irradiated cells generate a force field that extends for a fraction of an inch around his body, rendering any material within the field nearly indestructible, such as his skin tight costume.

Superman is vulnerable to the radiation of Kryptonite, a substance from his native planet. Kryptonite radiation will kill Superman within minutes. He is also vulnerable to magic, and to the psionic powers of some beings, such as Braniac. 

Superman must fill his lungs with air before flying through outer space. He can thus survive without breathing for several hours


Lois Lane

Lois Lane was a reporter worked at the Daily Star. For years Lois had a major crush on Superman whom she didn't know was in reality reporter Clark Kent. When the Wizard cast a spell that made Clark forget that he was Superman he eventually won Lois' heart as a crimefighting newsman and the two were married. 

On their honeymoon Lois discovered Clark's real identity and sought out the Wizard and made him reverse the spell. While Lois was ready to forsake their marriage given that Clark didn't know who he was at the time, he wouldn't let her and the renewed their wows at the Fortress of Solitude. At the end of the event known as Crisis Lois was joined by Superman, the Earth-Prime Superboy and Alexander Luthor, Jr. in another dimension. All four recently returned to the new merged Earth that the Crisis had resulted in.

Occupation: Reporter 
 Marital Status: Married To Clark
 Known Relatives: Lucille Lane Tompkins (sister); George Tompkins (brother); Susan Tompkins (niece); Jor-L (father-in-law; deceased); Lora (mother-in-law; deceased); John Kent (adoptive father-in-law; deceased), Mary Kent (adoptive mother-in-law; deceased) 
 Base of Operation: Metropolis 
 Eyes: Blue 
 Hair: Black 
 First Appearance: Action Comics #1 (June 1938)

Who is Supergirl?

he adventures of the original Supergirl, Kara Zor-El from Krypton, were published by DC Comics from 1959 to 1985. She appeared in Action Comics, Adventures Comics, Superman Family, and two Supergirl series. Kara Zor-El died in the Crisis on Infinite Earths comic series which rebooted the DC universe in 1985. Many superheroes either had their origins recreated in the reboot or their identities were taken on by new characters. Both occurred for Supergirl.

Kara Jor El known as Supergirl.


The Death of Superman" is a 1992 comic book storyline that occurred in DC Comics's Superman titles. The completed multi-issue story arc was given the title The Death and Return of Superman.
In the story, Superman engages in battle with a seemingly unstoppable killing machine named Doomsday in the streets of Metropolis. At the fight's conclusion, both  die from their wounds in Superman (vol. 2) #75 in 1992.

Doomsday: Right

In actuality, the Last Son of Krypton stole Superman's body and put it in a regeneration matrix in the Fortress of Solitude, drawing on his recovering energies to power himself, as bright light blinded him. It is revealed that the Last Son is, in actuality, the Eradicator, an ancient Kryptonian weapon, and the Cyborg is the deranged consciousness of Hank Henshaw, which used Superman's birthing matrix to create a physical duplicate of his body

The actual Superman returns. Portion of a page from Adventures of Superman #504 by Tom Grummett.
The regeneration matrix broke open, and the original Superman emerged, greatly depowered, but alive. Meanwhile, the Cyborg helped Mongul destroy Coast City, believing he killed the Last Son in the explosion, and captured Superboy, holding him in Engine City, a towering construct erected where Coast City once stood. Superboy escaped and flew back to Metropolis to get the Man of Steel to help him fight the Cyborg. Before he could tell the whole story, however, an overbearing Kryptonian Battlesuit rose out of the harbor, and the two heroes attacked it. After suffering heavy damage, the suit opened, revealing a still-weak Superman, who had used it to walk all the way back from the Fortress of Solitude. Despite his weakened state, he quickly joined the other Supermen in defending Coast City.

Just For Fun: Pokemon!!!!!!!!!

I just find out a website that contain many sources for my blog..some of them is really interesting. For example, i found the info about what will it look when the characters in Pokemon like Pikachu, Bulbasaur and the others turn to human mode..Well, lets see :D

Okay, everybody, that's it. We can go ahead and pack it in now, because the Internet has reached its final form. And it happened in the way that I think we all knew it would: With a massive picture of 493 Pokemon drawn as anime girls.

our first candidate....


At this point, the response is less "why?" than "of course it is."

But I'm not going to lie: As strange and undeniably fetishistic as this is, it's also kind of awesome, especially the thoroughness of including every single Pokemon to be seen in the games until the newly released Black and White era -- including all 28 different versions of Unown, which are of course drawn as sexy maids. There's a thoroughness, a dedication, and even some pretty awesome fashion choices on display, and we've got the whole thing and a close-up look at some of our favorites after the jump!

Eh, Click to enlarge by the way 

Virtually every entry in this piece of insanity is interesting in one way or another, but for those of you who don't want to spend all day scrolling through it, here are a few highlights:

Ok, the second candidate will be...


No look at Pokemon would be complete without the inclusion of the series mascot, and honestly? The lightning rat comes out pretty far ahead here. Even with the lolita-style dress (complete with Pikachu-face corset) and prettty much mandatory upskirt shot, this one's nowhere near as creepy as your average Pikachu-As-A-Sexy-Lady picture, and believe me: there are a lot of those floating around out there. Just Google image search the name of any pokemon with SafeSearch off. I dare you.



Considering that literally all he does is sleep, eat and kick ass, Snorlax is basically the raddest Pokemon of all. Unfortunately, that leads to him also being the most rotund Pokemon of all, although on it looks like the lady version carries her weight in a slightly higher area.

I don't really have a joke for this one, I just think that turning the Pokemon with speakers for ears and a pipe organ for a head into a rocker girl and her keyboard-playing backup is a pretty awesome idea.



One thing I really appreciate the redesign of Slowbro is that it totally gets one of the things I've called shennanigans on in past dealings with pokemon: Slowbro (and also Dugtrio) aren't a different species, they're just two dudes (and/or sexy anime ladies) hanging out!

Hahahah...ok guys, thats all for tonight..see ya on the next post..SUPERMAN

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Valentine is Coming!

Hi Everyone, with this incoming Valentine Day, I would like to give you a DIY Valentine Card as a token for those who are reading my blog :D..just need you to do your own cut out :D


Hye again, in this post I will write about all Sailor's heroin in Sailor Moon 

Sailor Moon

Name: Serena Tsukino/ Usagi Tsukino                        

Nickname: Meatball head (called by Darien/Mamoru and sometimes Raye/Rei) 

Age: 14-16 years old 

Hair Color: Blonde

Eye Color: Blue                                                   

Birthday: June 30th

Astrological sign: Cancer

Blood Type: O

Favorite Color(s): Pink and White

Hobby/ies: Playing video games & pigging out on junk food

Dislikes( as in people): brother Sammy/Shingo, Raye/Rei, Luna, Rini/ChibiUsa (only at certain times), Negaverse scum, Negamoon scum, Queen Beryl, Queen Nehelenia, Sailor Galaxia

Favorite Subject(s): Home Economics

Least Favorite Subject(s): Math  

Favorite Food(s): Ice Cream

Least Favorite Food(s): Carrots

Favorite Animal: Rabbit

Favorite Gemstone: Diamond

Boyfriend: Darien/Mamoru

Dream: To be a bride

Sailor Identity: Sailor Moon                                

Sailor Forms: Sailor Moon (version 1), Sailor Moon (version 2), Sailor Moon (version 3), Super Sailor Moon, Eternal Sailor Moon

Transformations: Moon Prism Power, Moon, Crystal Power, Moon Cosmic Power, Moon Crisis Power, Moon Cosmic Dream Action/ Moon Cosmic Power, Moon Eternal Make- Up

Abilities and Weapons: Disguise Power, Moon Cresent Wand, Moon Cresent Wand (with the Imperium Silver Crystal), Cosmic Moon Scepter, Spiral Heart Moon Scepter, Moon Rod, Eternal Moon Tial

Attacks: Moon Tiara Magic, Moon Healing Activation, Cosmic Moon Power, Moon Scepter Elimination, Moon Crystal Healing Power, Moon Spiral Heart Attack, Rainbow Moon Heart Ache, Moon Gorgeous Meditation, Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss, Silver Crystal Power Kiss.

Sailor Mercury

Name: Amy Anderson/ Ami Mizuno                                            

Nickname: None

Age: 14-16 years old

Hair Color: Blue

Eye Color: Blue

Birthday: September 10th

Astrological Sign: Virgo

Blood Type: A

Favorite Color(s): Blue, Light Blue, Aquamarine

Hobby/ies: Studying, Reading, Playing Chess

Dislikes(as in people): Negaverse scum, Negamoon scum, Queen Beryl, Queen Nehelenia, Sailor Galaxia

Favorite Subject(s): Math

Least Favorite Subject(s): None

Favorite Food(s): Sandwiches

Least Favorite Food(s): Yellow- tailed Tuna

Favorite Animal: Cat

Favorite Gemstone: Sapphire

Boyfriend: Greg (Season 1 episode 23 "Mercury's Mental Match")

Dream: To be a Doctor

Sailor Identity: Sailor Mercury                        

Sailor Forms: Sailor Mercury, Super Sailor Mercury

Transformations: Mercury, Power, Mercury Star Power, Mercury Crystal Power

Abilities and Weapons: Virtual Reality Visor, Data Computer

Attacks: Mercury Bubble Blast, Double Mercury Bubble Blast, Mercury Ice Bubbles Freeze, Mercury Ice Storm Blast (changed to Shine Aqua Illusion), Mercury Aqua Rhapsody

Sailor Mars

Name: Raye Hino/ Rei Hino                                  

Nickname: None

Age: 14-16 years old

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Purple

Birthday: April 17th

Astrological Sign: Aries

Blood Type: AB

Favorite Color(s): Red and Black

Hobby/ies: Fortune Telling

Dislikes(as in people): Serena/Usagi( only at certain times), Negaverse scum, Negamoon scum, Queen Beryl, Queen Nehelenia, Sailor Galaxia

Favorite Subject(s): Anicent Writing

Least Favorite Subject(s): Modern Society

Favorite Food(s): Fugu

Least Favorite Food(s): Asparagus

Favorite Animal: Crows

Favorite Gemstone: Ruby

Boyfriend: None

Dream: To be a head priestess

Sailor Identity: Sailor Mars                                              

Sailor Forms: Sailor Mars, Super Sailor Mars

Transformations: Mars Power, Mars Star Power, Mars Crystal Power

Abilities and Weapons: None

Attacks: Mars Fire Ignite, Mars Fire Balls Charge, Mars Fire Bird Strike, Mars Fire Star Flash, Mars Celestial Fire Surround, Mega Mars Fire Strike, Mars Flame Shutter/Mars Flame Sniper

Sailor Jupiter

Name: Lita Kino/ Makoto Kino                                         

Nickname: None

Age: 14-16 years old

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Green

Birthday: December 5th

Astrological Sign: Sagittarius

Blood Type: O

Favorite Color(s): Green and pink

Hobby/ies: Cooking

Dislikes(as in people): Negaverse scum, Negamoon scum, Queen Beryl, Queen Nehelenia, Sailor Galaxia

Favorite Subject(s): Home Economics

Least Favorite Subject(s): Physics

Favorite Food(s): Cherry Pie

Least Favorite Food(s): None

Favorite Animal: Unknown

Favorite Gemstone: Emerald

Boyfriend: None

Dream:To be a Chef

Sailor Identity: Sailor Jupiter                                   

Sailor Forms: Sailor Jupiter, Super Sailor Jupiter

Transformations: Jupiter Power, Jupiter Star Power, Jupiter Crystal Power

Abilities and Weapons: None

Attacks: Jupiter Thunder Crash, Guardian Jupiter bring bolts of lightning wind and fire Supreme Thunder Crash, Jupiter Thunder Dragon, Jupiter Thunder Clap Zap ( changed to Sparkling Wild Pressure), Superior Sparkling Pressure, Jupiter Oak Evalution

Sailor Venus

Name: Mina Aino/ MInako Aino                                  

Nickname: None

Age: 14-16 years old

Hair Color: Blonde

Eye Color: Blue

Birthday: October 22nd

Astrological Sign: Libra

Blood Type: B

Favorite Color(s): Yellow and red

Hobby/ies: chasing idols

Dislikes(as in people): Negaverse scum, Negamoon scum, Queen Beryl, Queen Nehelenia, Sailor Galaxia

Favorite Subject(s): Physical Education

Least Favorite Subject(s): All other subjects

Favorite Food(s): Curry

Least Favorite Food(s): Shitake Mushrooms

Favorite Animal: Cat

Favorte Gemstone: Topaz

Boyfriend: None

Dream: To be an idol

Sailor Identity: Sailor Venus                             

Sailor Forms: Sailor Venus, Super Sailor Venus

Transformations: Venus Power, Venus Star Power, Venus Crystal Power

Abilities and Weapons: None

Attacks: Venus Crescent Beam Smash, Venus Meteor Shower, Venus Love Chain Encircle, Super Love Chain Whip, Venus Love and Beauty Shock

 Sailor Uranus

 Name: Amara Ten'ou/ Haruka Ten'ou                     

Nickname: None

Age: 16-18 years old

Hair Color: Blonde

Eye Color: Dark blue

Birthday: January 27th

Astrological Sign: Aquarius

Blood Type: B

Favorite Color(s): Gold

Hobby/ies: Driving

Dislikes(as in people): Inner Sailor Scouts( only when they get in her way), Heart Snatchers, Starlights

Favorite Subject(s): Physical Education

Least Favorite Subject(s): Modern Japanese

Favorite Food(s): Salad

Least Favorite Food(s): Nattou (fermented soybeans)

Favorite Animal: None

Favorite Gemstone: Amber

Boyfriend: None

Dream: To be a famous racing driver

Sailor Identity: Sailor Uranus                                         

Sailor Forms: Sailor Uranus, Super Sailor Uranus

Transformations: Uranus Star Power, Uranus Planet Power

Abilities and Weapons: Space sword

Attacks: Uranus World Shaking, Uranus Space Sword Blaster