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Sunday, January 30, 2011



This is the cartoon I always watched since i was a kid. It was so memorable. Usop Sontorian Malaysia is the best cartoon series of the memories I remember . The cartoon series was showed  onTV1 since  I was in primary school. I still remember when watching it with friends .. 

Usop Sontorian is Malaysia's first animated series. The cartoon series created by Ujang with Kamn Ismail and published by Charisma Pictures Sdn. Bhd.. 1993-1996
Usop Sontorian story about a boy named Usop who live in Kampung Parit Sonto located not far from the town of Ayer Hitam, Johor. She lives with her parents and was the youngest child in the family. His sister loves him to the grocery store to buy acid boi while his brother is fond of cycling around the village to find Usop. Usop have a few friends compatriot analyzed as Abu, Dol, Ah Kim, Vellu and Singh. He also had a chicken named Selebet selebet.


Usop Sontorian series of 49 episodes have been produced include: Run From Home,New Friends, best in, Dol Move, Play Guitar, Swordsman, Play Raft, Camp, Selebet,Athletes, General Class, Mission Impossible, Abu Oh Abu, Kartini, Child Elephants,Budin to KL, Kak Kiah Unfortunately, the World Air, Freedom and others.

This series has created its own history by becoming the first animated series in TV Malaysia, trains and develops talent to discover artists from around the country in a series of tour interviews. Employees were animation Usop Sontorian 94 people at the end of 1996. This series of launch was officiated by Information Minister Mohamed Rahmat on January 20, 1996 at PWTC.

Usop Sontorian also made history when he found a warm welcome from the Japanese when it aired in the Asia Animation Festival (Hiroshima) in June 1996. Now, Usop Sontorian roam the world with a variety of topics including, Usop and friends, Adventures Of Usop and Usop And Gang


  1. perghh...teringt plak zaman kecik2,
    femes ah katun nih

  2. this is very interesting ! Usop Sontorian IS THE BEST ! :) and i missed "Usop" so muchhh ! (sighs)

    1. tq for visit my blog..usop sontorian still the best
