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Friday, February 4, 2011

Just For Fun: Pokemon!!!!!!!!!

I just find out a website that contain many sources for my blog..some of them is really interesting. For example, i found the info about what will it look when the characters in Pokemon like Pikachu, Bulbasaur and the others turn to human mode..Well, lets see :D

Okay, everybody, that's it. We can go ahead and pack it in now, because the Internet has reached its final form. And it happened in the way that I think we all knew it would: With a massive picture of 493 Pokemon drawn as anime girls.

our first candidate....


At this point, the response is less "why?" than "of course it is."

But I'm not going to lie: As strange and undeniably fetishistic as this is, it's also kind of awesome, especially the thoroughness of including every single Pokemon to be seen in the games until the newly released Black and White era -- including all 28 different versions of Unown, which are of course drawn as sexy maids. There's a thoroughness, a dedication, and even some pretty awesome fashion choices on display, and we've got the whole thing and a close-up look at some of our favorites after the jump!

Eh, Click to enlarge by the way 

Virtually every entry in this piece of insanity is interesting in one way or another, but for those of you who don't want to spend all day scrolling through it, here are a few highlights:

Ok, the second candidate will be...


No look at Pokemon would be complete without the inclusion of the series mascot, and honestly? The lightning rat comes out pretty far ahead here. Even with the lolita-style dress (complete with Pikachu-face corset) and prettty much mandatory upskirt shot, this one's nowhere near as creepy as your average Pikachu-As-A-Sexy-Lady picture, and believe me: there are a lot of those floating around out there. Just Google image search the name of any pokemon with SafeSearch off. I dare you.



Considering that literally all he does is sleep, eat and kick ass, Snorlax is basically the raddest Pokemon of all. Unfortunately, that leads to him also being the most rotund Pokemon of all, although on it looks like the lady version carries her weight in a slightly higher area.

I don't really have a joke for this one, I just think that turning the Pokemon with speakers for ears and a pipe organ for a head into a rocker girl and her keyboard-playing backup is a pretty awesome idea.



One thing I really appreciate the redesign of Slowbro is that it totally gets one of the things I've called shennanigans on in past dealings with pokemon: Slowbro (and also Dugtrio) aren't a different species, they're just two dudes (and/or sexy anime ladies) hanging out!

Hahahah...ok guys, thats all for tonight..see ya on the next post..SUPERMAN


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